Jul 6, 2013

July 4th Fun Lasted A Long Time...

It all started on July 3rd...

We camped out @ Port Bay in Wolcott, NY. My Aunt and Uncle have a cottage there. (I'm glad they like me, lol:)

Anyway, darkness came and so did the fireworks...

Oh, and so did a ring of fire around the entire bay...

The next day? What the heck --we broke down the tent and headed for the 1000 Islands where my Grandparents were camping. (Since I love camping, I'm glad they like me, too:)

OK, guess what? Another ring of fire at a completely different Bay?!!? Fun x two!

Then, today, water ski training and more grandparents. (And yes, I'm pretty sure they like me...)
I'm pooped, but...
God Bless America.