May 2, 2008

I Was Going To Mow The Lawn...

I try to do my part -you know, helping with chores and all. So, what better way to earn my keep than to trim the lawn???

Anyway, my mower was filled to the brim with Super Bubbles and I was totally in Mr Miyagi mode. That is, until I face planted on the concrete driveway. Now, since concrete is unforgiving, it's safe to say that Owen K. ended up with a very bloody nose.

I cried. And, then I cried some more. I almost hyperventilated in fact.

Well, my Mom calmed me down. Then, my Dad calmed my Mom down. Then my father took me in the house to get some ice for my nose. He also thought a little drink would make me feel better. And, it would have, but...
The refrigerator door slammed me smack in the nose when my father opened it! Unbelievable.

Needless to say, I look like I got shot at and hit.

Not to worry. Those crazy kids look worse than me.