Nov 5, 2007

The Suspense Is Killing Me...

I'm running for Public Office. Yup, Owen K. Bentley may soon be an elected public official folks. After all, we ankle biters need a voice in government too, you know.

Seriously, I'm so good at babbling now, it only seemed right for me to throw my hat into the political arena...
By midnight tonight I could be -Owen K. Bentley: Federal Director of C.R.I.B. (Can Read In Bed)

If elected, I promise to supply children of all ages with endless supplies of books, night lights and Gummy Bears. So, vote Row "O" for Owen K. Bentley.

Oh, if you can't make it to the polls, you can register your vote for me in the comments section below.

Thanks in advance for your support. Now get out there and vote!
-Owen K.