Oct 27, 2007

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah....Choooooooo!

Don't you just love a good sneeze? I'm in heaven when air comes blasting out my nose and cleans out my smeller in the process. That's why I don't understand why people start blessing me and asking me questions after I sneeze...
God Bess You, Owen (Thank you -God Bless You, too)Gesundheit, Owen (Um, okay, if you say so)Owen, are you getting sick? (No, it's probably just the leaves and grass. Thanks for your concern.)Well, excuse you, Owen (Uh, I didn't pass gas, I merely sneezed!)Cover your mouth, Owen (I would if I knew how, but I don't, so I won't)Want a tissue, Owen? (Sure, are we going to wrap gifts or something?)

And people wonder why I smile all the time??? People crack me up. That's why.