After all, it's hard work being a baby you know: This is what I hear constantly...
1. Smile, Owen ...If I smile any more I'm going to get carpel tunnel in my jaw, if that's possible. What more do these people want from me?
2. Burp, Owen ...I'll try to burp, however, if I don't, please, please, let it go. I'll be fine and I promise not to upchuck on you. Honest.
3. Owen, are there any teeth in there? ...Not just yet, but please, get your hand out of my mouth. I'm ready to choke, ok?
4. Owen, did you fill your diaper, yet? ...I think everyone
5. Can I hold Owen? Of course you can hold me, but you'll have to wait your turn :)
Ok, bye for now. I'm going to take a much needed nap.