Jun 6, 2007

Who Invented Nicknames Anyway?

Even though my name is Owen K. Bentley, most people slap a nickname on me the minute they see me. I've been called Little Man, Pumpkin, Baby, Buttercup, Sweet Pea, Sleepyhead, Fly, O-man, O-Dogg, Bracciola, Pork Chop, Moose, you name it -I've heard them all.

I like some of my nicknames, but I have no idea how others came to be. I mean, sometimes I AM a SLEEPYHEAD as well as a BABY, so I understand where those handles came from. SWEET PEA? Well, sweetness flows from my pores, so I'm ok with that one, too. Umm, BRACCIOLA? Did I come from a pot of sauce or what?

Well, today I got called a new nickname ...SUNSHINE. The clouds were out and this lady called me SUNSHINE! I'll have to remember to flash the toothless grin again when I meet someone. The nicknames are so much better when I do :)